A hip injury in gymnastics is rare. It's even less likely for a gymnast who comes back from such a setback

Imagine that you're an elite gymnast with a bright future a top us college has even recruited you. 

Then you injure your hip. The injury leads to two surgeries and then a full hip replacement.

That's what happened to 17-year-old Jaclyn Shelton but she didn't let it stop her.

Following 6 months of rehab, Jaclyn was given clearance to start training on impact

"I have persevered through all of this and I always come to the gym with a positive attitude," says Shelton. "I knew something was going to come out of this."

Two physiotherapists monitor Jaclyn's progress. She's also made a few modifications because her new hip affects her range of motion.

"A lot of my leaps are not in a full split," says Shelton. "All of my skills have my legs together."

This summer, Jaclyn sent this video to the school that had recruited her when she was 15, top ranked Oklahoma.

The American coaches were so impressed they came to Calgary in September and offered Jaclyn a scholarship!

"It is a huge risk to sign me so just having the opportunity is amazing," says Shelton. "They've told me that my perseverance is a role model for their team."

Earlier this month, Jaclyn met her future teammates and even took in a Sooners football game.

"I never realized how much it meant to me and how much it was a part of my life," says Shelton. "This injury has been a good thing for me. It's made me mentally stronger, I'm more passionate and I have more motivation to train."

Jaclyn Shelton, the CTV Athlete of the Week sponsored by Big Chief beef jerky.