Wardens in Banff National Park are warning hikers and visitors to the mountains that the chance of a bear encounter is higher than normal right now.

The bears are feeding in lower elevations a little longer this year because of the long winter.

A 22-year-old grizzly sow and her three cubs were seen walking through the parking lot at Sunshine Village on Tuesday.

Parks Canada says it knows the bear well and this is probably only her second litter.

They say visitors need to keep their distance and that interactions between grizzlies and humans can be deadly.

Staff in the park will be stepping up patrols for the next few days.

"We will be monitoring this area. She's lactating right now so she needs to be feeding and she doesn't need her feeding to be disrupted right now, so ya we'll be hanging around," said Mireille Rousseau, Bear Guardian Supervisor.

Parks Canada says you should always stay in your vehicle when you see a bear.

They suggest that people stay 100 metres or ten bus lengths away from bears.

Park staff will also be making regularly visits to Sunshine to make sure people keep their distance from the grizzly family.