The Telus Convention Centre hosted Calgary's teachers on Friday and many are concerned over provincial funding and how it affects the classroom.

One of the busiest places at the convention is the space set aside where teachers buy classroom supplies.

"Everyone I know spends at least a thousand dollars a year on their own classroom supplies," said teacher, Melanie Kirk.

Most say funding is inadequate and they are forced to buy basic supplies like paper and glue sticks.

There are also worries that the upcoming provincial budget will make the situation worse not better.

"If the budget doesn't provide the resources school boards need, we, teachers are a big chunk of their financial commitment and school boards are going to have some difficulty I think in trying to ensure that class sizes stay small, make sure the resources are there for teachers, make sure resources are there to help students who have the highest needs," said Frank Bruseker, past president of the Alberta Teachers Association.

The provincial Minster of Education was scheduled to speak to teachers on Friday, but was unable to attend. His absence was a disappointment for educators who wanted to make a last minute plea to the province.

Teachers also say they are closely watching the Conservative leadership campaign because they think the outcome will have a huge impact on education funding.