University of Calgary researchers may have found a way to make an autism diagnosis in children at a younger age.

The researchers are interested in how children with autism develop language skills, and if there's some markers that parents and doctors could look for that would help in making a diagnosis.

Two-year-old John Beaven has autism. He was at a higher risk because his older brother has the disorder.

The toddler's parents have enrolled their youngest son in a U of C study of siblings so researchers can see how language develops in kids with autism and perhaps find an easier and earlier way of diagnosing it.

An earlier diagnosis means earlier intervention.

If you are interested in learning more about this study, or participating in it, you can contact the U of C's Speech Lab at 403-220-2444 or by clicking here.

Researchers are looking for families who have an older child already diagnosed with autism and a younger sibling between the ages of two months and two-years-old.