It was a cold day to be outside protesting, but over 300 people gathered at Stephen Harper's constituency office Saturday afternoon.

They were there voicing their displeasure with the Conservative move to prorogue Parliament.

"I'm tired of our government acting with impunity and with such an arrogant way that they think democracy doesn't count any more," said protestor John Landry.

"We are telling them to get back to work. Make Parliament work," added Stan Nykiel.

From young to old, from Marxist to Conservative, the crowd protesting the shutdown of Parliament ran the gamut.

"Stephen Harper is my MP," said protestor Valerie Martel. "We elected him to work for us. Well, go to work."

The Calgary rally is one of several staged across the country.

The largest protest was at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

What sets Calgary's protest apart is it's in the Prime Minister's home riding,

"I think that Stephen Harper has to stop and see in the middle of the constituency, in the riding where he was elected, 300 people were willing to come out on a snowy day and express their anger over what they consider to be an antidemocratic decision," commented protest organizer Scott Payne.

But there was no one in Harper's second floor suite to hear the protest.

Like Parliament, his Calgary office is temporarily closed.

A note on the door says it reopens Monday.

Unlike Parliament though, his Calgary office apologizes for the inconvenience

The cross country rallies were organized largely through the website Facebook.

Organizers believe it's the largest ever political event in Canada spawned by online social media.