The University of Calgary will continue to be a world leader in asphalt research thanks to a continued funding commitment.

Husky announced it will fund asphalt research at the Schulich School of Engineering for five more years.

On Monday, the president of Husky presented a $4.4-million cheque to the school.

"Most people think that it's just asphalt, they don't give it much thought, but it's actually a complex material," says Ryan Wirth, a research technician.

Researchers are currently working with a number of materials like recycled tires and plastics in hopes of increasing the life of asphalt.

"We hope that we will be able to create materials which will have better engineering properties which will last longer, serve better and, if we are lucky, even cost less," says Ludo Zanzotto, a professor at the engineering school.

Zanzotto says even small advances, in extending pavement life, adds up to huge savings for taxpayers.