Fewer Canadians are dying or being hospitalized because of hypertension.

The treatment success can be attributed to the Canadian Hypertension Education Program.

The program started in 1999, back when high blood pressure was poorly managed all across the country.

Now, according to a University of Calgary study, Canada is considered a world leader when it comes to treating high blood pressure.

"Drug treatment is highly effective and this study has really been about an increase in drug treatment of hypertension," says Dr. Norm Campbell.

The success of drug treatment has resulted in more lives saved and a reduction in hospital visits.

Even though most Canadians rely on drugs to treat hypertension, research has found that diet and exercise are the best ways to control high blood pressure. According to Dr. Campbell, about 90 percent of hypertension is preventable.

Currently, over five-million Canadians have been diagnosed with hypertension.