The man Calgary police say is a known gang member says they have got it all wrong.

Jackie Tran made his case at his deportation appeal hearing in Calgary on Thursday. During the hearing, Tran said "I'm not a gang member. I have never actually threatened anyone."

In 1993 Tran moved to Canada and 11 years later he pleaded guilty to drug trafficking. He is also convicted of assault with a weapon.

Those convictions earned him a removal order by immigration officials and he has been fighting that since 2004.

On Thursday, the 26-year-old said he wants to stay in Canada to support his mother and younger sister. He also admitted remorse for his crimes. "I feel regretful. I didn't have any guidance to take me away from doing any of those kinds of things."

During the appeal hearing, the board also heard that 13 of Tran's friends have been killed - either shot or stabbed to death.

And just on Saturday, another friend of his, Shaun Roberts, was shot in a Chinatown incident that sent five to hospital. Another friend of Tran's, Daniel Landry, has been charged in connection to the same shooting incident.

Tran's hearing has been adjourned until December 10th.