The Solar Car Challenge is another day closer to Calgary.

Sunday morning the solar powered vehicles left Winnipeg, but many of them were in trailers and not on the road.

Grey skies forced some teams to put the cars in trailers to save power.

Instead of rushing to prepare for the race line in Winnipeg, the solar teams found themselves trying to wait out a storm.

Since Saturday, rain and clouds have put a damper on the race and has left some cars without power.

Four teams, including the University Calgary, loaded their solar cars in trailers to the Brandon checkpoint.

But that move will cost them a serious time penalty.

Others went a different route and chose to weather the storm.

Michigan has already faced penalties for speeding, and the team worries another penalty could knock them out of the lead position.

The Calgary team is back on the road, but the team will have four hours added onto their final time.

That means the winner of the race won't necessarily be the first one to the finish line, but the team with the fastest time and fewest penalties.

Late this afternoon the University of Michigan was in first place.

Principia College is in second.

Germany's Bochum University is in third.

The top Canadian team is the University of Waterloo in fourth.

The University of Calgary is in sixth.